Australian Central Daylight Time
GMT +10:30
Newfoundland Daylight Time
GMT -2:30
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NDT stands for Newfoundland Daylight Time
ACDT stands for Australian Central Daylight Time
ACDT(Australian Central Daylight Time) is 13 hours ahead from Newfoundland Daylight Time (NDT)
Time now in ACDT Zone is 09:52 pm
Time now in NDT Zone is 08:52 am
GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time where as UTC stands for Universal Coordinated time. Though there is no time difference between these but still they aren't same,because GMT is a time zone itself whereas UTC is time standard used by the whole world to regulate clocks and time.
GMT is 2 hours ahead from NDT
GMT IS 10 hours behind ACDT
No ACDT time Zone does not uses daylight saving technique
Yes, NDT uses daylight saving technique
GMT which stands for Greenwich Mean Time is a standard and well known time zone having time 0 hours ahead of UTC
UTC which stands for Universal Time Coordinated is a standard and well known time zone having time 0 hours ahead of GMT
No NDT is not same as GMT. Infact NDT is 2 hours behind GMT
No ACDT is not same as GMT.Infact ACDT is 10 hours ahead from GMT
GMT which stands for Greenwich Mean Time is a standard and well known time zone having time 0 hours ahead of UTC
No, UTC is not a timezone. It is a time standard used by the world to avoid any confusion while dealing with multiple timezones
France is the only country that witnesses maabbrimum numbers of 12 time zones due to its scattered territories
In total there are 24 time Zones in the world
Just as equator divides the southern and northern hemisphere the same way Greenwich divides earth in northern and southern hemisphere .So from historic times the line in Greenwich represents the Prime Meridian of the World having Longitude at 0º.
Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the time standard used by the whole world to regulate clocks and times.UTC proves to be very helpful when it comes to weather forecasting, mapping, air traffic controlling as it avoids any type of confusion that can arise due to different time Zones or daylight saving
UTC is -2 hours 30 minutes ahead from NDT
UTC IS 10 hours 30 minutes ahead from ACDT