Early risers are frequently portrayed as dynamic problem-solvers who manage corporations, organizations, and even nations. Getting up early provides you an advantage over the rest of the day. This exactly how a morning person can manage to do so much in just 24 hours.


Night owls might argue that they can take care of extra work at the end of the day. While this may be true for some, the great majority of us are still programmed to work best in the morning.

After dark, our bodies are built to release the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Our circadian rhythms, which work with the light and darkness around us, manage our sleep-wake cycle. When our retina detects light, our body’s internal master clock slows the generation of melatonin. This causes us to become awake. We are naturally wired to be more aware and receptive in the morning and lethargic and tired at night.

Despite the fact that many people attribute part of their success to waking up early, many others find it difficult to make the move. It is noteworthy that most people are aware of the changes they need to make in their lives. Yet, they find it difficult to put them into action on a daily basis.

To figure out the trick to waking up early, you will need to understand from people who have done this before you.

To learn more about how to wake up early, read on.

Don’t be a procrastinator

When you want to learn how to get up early, the first thing you need do is go to bed earlier. Stop putting things off. When you obtain the right quantity of sleep, you will find it much simpler to wake up. Set a bedtime that permits you to get a full eight hours of sleep and stick to it.


The problem for the majority of you will be how fatigued you will feel at first. If you usually go to bed after midnight, getting up at 6 a.m. will be difficult. You must push through the initial difficulty since you will be quite exhausted at the end of the day.

Maintain Good Sleep Hygiene

Design and follow a nightly ritual to signal to your body that it is time to sleep. You can take a nice shower, read your favorite book, or reflect on the good things that happened during the day. All of these things assist you in relaxing and preparing your body for sleep.

warm shower

Taking a warm shower prepares your body biologically for sleep. The hot water boosts your body temperature, which subsequently drops as soon as you exit the shower. Because your body temperature drops as you sleep, a warm bath can help you sleep more easily.

Have a Light Dinner

Heavy, spicy meals may make you feel drowsy for a little while. However, they take longer to digest, interfering with sleep.

Acid reflux and heartburn might occur due to improper digestion of meals before you lie down. Furthermore, your body stores the additional calories as fat. Dinner should contain a maximum of 500 calories. A simple meal of lean meat or fish with some vegetables should suffice to keep you full and hence prevent the urge of late-night snacking.

light dinner

Tryptophan is an amino acid used to make melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that plays the key role in inducing sleep. Salmon, chicken, eggs, spinach, and almonds are all high in tryptophan. Thus, having these for dinner may help you sleep better.

Avoid drinking before bed

Sleeping and having a good night’s sleep are not the same thing. You can consume alcohol and fall asleep, but you will not get any good sleep. You will feel as though you only slept for a few hours when you get up.


It is preferable if you don’t drink alcohol for at least 4 hours before going to bed. Studies show that binge drinking can have a week-long effect on melatonin hormone levels.

Pay attention to the lighting around you

Blue lights can restrict melatonin production. This insufficient or delayed synthesis can have a detrimental impact on your sleep quality. The key to being able to consistently wake up early is to sleep early and well.

Avoiding blue light for at least an hour before night will help you reach your objective of sleeping early. This habit also keeps you from scrolling through your phone or binge-watching your favorite show. All of these activities may stimulate your brain even more, preventing you from sleeping.

Reduce screen-time before bed

Light inhibits the production of the melatonin hormone, which induces sleep. Practically speaking, your body prefers to be up when the sun rises and sleep when the sun sets. This is your circadian rhythm.

In today’s technology-driven society, you are likely to be looking at screens before going to bed. However, television and phone screens, according to studies, deceive your body into thinking the sun is up. Your body begins to produce less melatonin as a result. Stop staring at devices at least an hour before bedtime to help you fall asleep.


Looking at your screen when you first wake up can also help you stay awake if you want to get up before the dawn.

Begin gradually

You might not be able to start waking up a couple of hours earlier each day all at once if you want to. The more radical the change, the more tough it will be to make it.

Start with 15-minute or 30-minute increments rather than trying to change your sleep pattern by many hours. If you manage to wake up 30 minutes earlier each week, by the end of the month you will be a morning person. You may think you are drawing out your goal, but you are actually reaching it far faster than most. It is impossible for most people who are naturally night owls to fully change their sleeping habits overnight.

Set realistic goals for yourself and don’t start your day at an odd hour. It is best to take things gradually in the beginning. Aim by setting the alarm for 6:45 a.m. if your usual waking up time is at 7 a.m. You can start increasing the time by 15 minutes if your body has accustomed to the adjustment. Taking it one step at a time will help your body adjust to the change. Hence, you won’t end up detesting the thought of waking up 15 minutes earlier than normal. Moreover, you won’t feel sleep-deprived if you do it.

Place your alarm clock farther away

According to studies, sleep fragmentation causes drowsiness and grogginess during the day, lowers performance, and makes you feel tired.

alarm clock

So, you can keep your alarm clock away from your bed. This way, you will be less likely to hit the snooze button. You can put the clock on a shelf or a table on the opposite side of the room instead of on your bedside table. You will have to walk up to the alarm to turn it off when it goes off. Taking those few steps to your alarm clock may be enough to wake you up.

Start your day by being active

In the bedroom, your brain is already accustomed to feel tired. While attempting to become early risers, many night owls succumb to the lure of returning to bed after spending time in the bedroom. When you get out of bed as soon as you wake up, you are less likely to go back to sleep.

Those who have perfected the art of waking up early tend to begin each day with movement. The first thing that you should do is quickly get out of your bed. Take a moment to do 10 push-ups or jumping jacks before you allow yourself to consider going back to sleep. Consider each step of this workout as one step closer to being unable to fall asleep again.

morning jog

You get to choose how you wish to exercise and charge up your muscles- just make sure you keep aside some time for exercising.

Motivate yourself

You must give yourself a cause for waking up early if you want to be happy about it. You can do this by making a list of the three tasks you want to achieve the next morning.

Your goal list should include not just what you want to achieve, but also why you want to achieve it. List the repercussions of not getting up early if you wish to go a step further.

People who know how to get up early have reported to be more effective and proactive in their lives. They are generally happier and cope with stress better. It is also proven that persons who get up early are less likely to procrastinate.

The best way to understand how to get up early is to realize that your choices the night before have a significant impact. If you go to bed early and get enough sleep, you will be able to wake up early.

stress-free morning

You may ensure that you are ready for success the next morning by taking the time to mentally and physically prepare yourself each night. Once you have completed the necessary steps the night before, make sure you capitalize on that momentum to get your day started on time.

The idea is to make your desired actions as simple as feasible. Finding a means to have the wind at your back and going in the direction you choose is the key to transforming your life.